Visual hierarchy is an important element of design because it helps the audience understand information in a simple and structured way. One of the most important tools for creating visual hierarchy is typography. By choosing and using fonts appropriately, you can direct the reader’s attention to important elements in your design. Here are some tips for using typography to create an effective visual hierarchy:
1. Use different point sizes
Font size is the simplest and most effective way to indicate the priority of information. Use larger fonts for important elements such as titles or headings, and smaller sizes for supporting text or descriptions.
For example:
2. Use Font Thickness
Variations in font thickness, such as bold or light, can help create visual contrast. For example, use bold fonts to emphasize keywords, titles, or important points in the design.
3. Choose colors carefully
Color is another way to differentiate typographic elements. Use stronger colors for main text or elements that need to grab attention, while supporting text can use neutral colors.
Additional tips:
4. Use the right combination of fonts
Combine two or three types of fonts for variety. For example, use serif fonts for headlines and sans serif fonts for body text. Make sure the fonts you choose have complementary characteristics to make the design look professional. You can use Givonic – Variable Font as body text or headline, because this typeface is versatile to combine in your design. With 6 weights & 18 styles + Variable Font to touch many personalities.
5. Organize spacing well
Spacing plays an important role in creating visual hierarchy. More important elements usually have more space around them to emphasize their presence. Set the spacing between:
6. Use capitalization wisely
Capital letters are often used to emphasize certain elements, such as titles or calls to action. However, overuse can make the design feel overwhelming and difficult to read. Use capital letters only for elements that are truly important.
7. Create contrast with typographic styles
Use style variations such as italic, underline, or small caps to distinguish certain text from other elements. These styles are effective for highlighting quotations, foreign words, or special elements in the design.
READ ALSO: Unveiling The Legacy: The Birth of the Kadisoka Font Pack by Letterhend Studio
8. Pay attention to text structure
Break up long text into smaller sections with headings, subheadings, or bullet points. This structure makes it easier for readers to find relevant information.
9. Use grid and alignment
An organized arrangement of text based on a grid or alignment creates a clean and professional look. Use left, right, or center alignment consistently to maintain alignment.
10. Test and Revise
Once the design is complete, test to see if the visual hierarchy works well. Notice if the most important elements jump out at you. If not, make revisions by adjusting the size, color, or position of typographic elements.
By following the tips above, you can create a design with a strong and effective visual hierarchy. The proper use of typography not only enhances the design, but also ensures that your message is conveyed clearly and purposefully.